
Nov 29, 2022


Introducing FastTrack: Backend.AI MLOps Platform

  • Jihyun Kang

    Senior Software Engineer

Nov 29, 2022


Introducing FastTrack: Backend.AI MLOps Platform

  • Jihyun Kang

    Senior Software Engineer

Introducing FastTrack, the MLOps Platform of Backend.AI. FastTrack allows you to organize each step of data preprocessing, training, validation, deployment, and inference into a single pipeline. FastTrack makes it easy for you to customize each step as you build your pipeline. In this article, we'll explain why you need an MLOps platform, how Backend.AI FastTrack came to be, and what makes itself really unique.

Rise of MLOps Platforms

Over the past few years, the IT industry, as well as most industries undergoing digital transformation, has been working hard to adopt AI to make meaningful predictions from scattered data and respond to rapidly changing markets. In order to make a good use of AI in this process, it is necessary to respond to various stages such as model training and optimization, hardware introduction considering data I/O, model version management, etc. The concept of MLOps (Machine Learning Operations) emerged from this. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, we recommend that you skim our 'MLOps series' before reading this article.

FastTrack: History

In 2019, we added the Backend.AI pipeline as a beta release to address the demand for DevOps pipelines. We developed and tested the ability to simplify the process of creating and managing complex pipelines, and to operate unidirectional pipelines that split into two or more paths in the middle. However, with the rise of the MLOps concept and the proliferation of various pipeline solutions such as AirFlow, MLFlow, and KubeFlow, we shifted our development direction to integrating and supporting open source pipeline tools instead of developing pipeline features as a full-fledged feature.

Meanwhile, AI development pipelines have became increasingly complexed, and became clear that open-source MLOps pipeline tools were unable to meet the diverse needs of the users. At this point, we decided to revive the pipeline feature of Backend.AI. During the process of revitalizing and prototyping the Backend.AI pipeline, we changed the direction of development to a MLOps pipeline solution that works with the Backend.AI cluster, but stands independently, so that we could directly address our user requests.

With such a colorful history, Lablup's AI/MLOps solution is called 'FastTrack'. This name came from the airport or logistics, a lane which expedites passenger or custom clearance. FastTrack became available with Backend.AI 22.09, and still being tested to meet our customer standards.

FastTrack: What it is

FastTrack is a machine learning workflow platform that enables users to tailor multiple work units based on Backend.AI clusters and execute them as a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). Users can run sessions for each stage of the machine learning pipeline, linked through pre- and post-relationships, allowing them to integrate steps like data preprocessing, training, validation, deployment, monitoring, and optimization into a unified workflow as needed. This means users can more efficiently build and reuse models by structuring sessions into workflows and automatically scheduling them after each phase, rather than manually crafting them in a conventional Backend.AI cluster.

FastTrack: Structure and features

FastTrack categorizes workflow templates as pipelines, executes workflows to pipeline jobs, divides the units of work in a workflow into tasks, and the units of work that are to be executed into task instances. The flowchart following outlines the step-by-step progression of work within FastTrack.


A pipeline is a structured collection of data and tasks, represented by a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG). In setting up an AI workflow, constructing a pipeline prompts FastTrack to create a specific folder in your Backend.AI cluster dedicated to pipelines. This setup facilitates the monitoring of training progress via artifacts. FastTrack streamlines the modification of task relationships with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, allowing for immediate visual feedback in the form of a schematic flow and verification through a YAML file. Moreover, managing pipelines in YAML format allows for easy export, import, and sharing among users.

Pipeline Job

Within the FastTrack GUI, the progress of job units is indicated by the color of the nodes associated with each unit. Similar to pipelines, the information and relationships of the task instances being configured in YAML are managed. Upon completion of all task instances, the pipeline job's status is displayed as either successful or failed.


A task is the smallest unit of execution in a pipeline that allows you to allocate resources by purpose. For example, sole task for model training can dedicate a lot of GPU resources, to use resources more efficiently, as opposed to preprocessing. You can also specify the execution environment. Based on the images supported by the Backend.AI cluster, you can use images such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, Python 3.x, NGC TensorFlow, NGC PyTorch, etc. without Docker building process. You can also mount virtual folders created by the Backend.AI cluster on a per-task basis as needed.

Task Instance

Task instances are physical objects created when a pipeline job is created, based on the task informations that makes up the pipeline. Executing an AI workflow means that the task instances that make up the pipeline job are executed according to the specified preceding and following relationships. Task instances currently have a 1:1 correspondence with Sessions in the Backend.AI cluster, equating the state of a session with the state of a task instance, but we plan to expand beyond sessions to other units of execution in the near future.

Wrap up

So far, we've covered MLOps with an introduction to FastTrack, the Backend.AI MLOps platform. The latest release of Backend.AI FastTrack is version 22.09 (in the time of Nov.2022). Our development plans include a range of user-friendly features, such as debugging pipelines, creating dependencies between pipelines, optimizing the usage of resources for tasks, and providing support for GitHub-based model and data repositories. True to Lablup's vision of empowering anyone to develop and use AI models from anywhere, FastTrack will simplify the process of building automated models. We look forward to your interest in our future endeavors.

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