
Jan 29, 2023


Concurrent React Changed Everything: Distinguishing Renders That Aren't Rushed

  • Jongeun Lee

    Software Engineer

Jan 29, 2023


Concurrent React Changed Everything: Distinguishing Renders That Aren't Rushed

  • Jongeun Lee

    Software Engineer

Backend.AI's MLOps platform, FastTrack is using React 18. We will explore the differences between rushed and non-rushed renders enabled by the Concurrent Renderer in React 18.

The Concurrent feature in React, initially introduced as Async Rendering at JSConf Iceland in 2018, was not fully integrated into React 18 until the year 2022. As you might expect from this time period, the Concurrent Renderer is the biggest and most significant change in React 18. Even though the renderer has been updated, React developers can still run code written for versions before React 18 with minimal changes. It is possible to build user interfaces with React without knowledge of React's Concurrent Renderer. Understanding the Concurrent Renderer and its applications can simplify the complexities in your mind during React development, enabling you to create user interfaces(UI) that provide an enhanced user experience(UX). This article will not delve into the inner workings of the Concurrent Renderer. Instead, it will focus on defining what the Concurrent Renderer is and how it can transform the mindset of React developers, which is crucial for those creating applications using React.

To summarize the content of this article, here's what you need to know:

Because of the Concurrent Renderer,

  • Component rendering can be interrupted.
  • Parts of the tree can be rendered even when they are not visible on the screen.
  • This allows React developers to distinguish between non-rush renders like never before.

“React components are abstractly pure functions.”
React components are actually created as JavaScript functions. (You can also create it as a class, although this is generally not advised in most situations.) A function generates an output based on the provided input. Changing the input can alter the output, hence it is necessary to execute the function again to generate a new result. (A pure function consistently returns the same output for identical inputs.)

What are the inputs and outputs of a React component?
The inputs of a React component are known as properties, or 'props', which the component receives as a function. The outputs are the React elements that are returned by the function.

Is state via hooks also an input?
'hooks' can be conceptually understood as inputs to a function. Similar to React props, they act as triggers that prompt a re-render when their values change, leading to variations in the output of our React component.

Now, back to the topic of rendering.

Component rendering can be interrupted.

The essence of Concurrent React lies in the ability to interrupt rendering, a feature unavailable before React 18(except in experimental form). In previous versions, when a React component began rendering, all JavaScript operations were blocked until the rendering completed. This means that if the rendering function takes a long time, the event handler function that handles the user's click cannot be executed until the element is returned. However, with React 18, rendering can now be interrupted.

const A = ({ count }) => { return ( <div> <span>{count}</span> <B/> <C/> </div> ); }; const B = () => { const [text, setText] = useState(""); return ( <div> <input value={text} onChange={(e) => setText(} /> <D/> </div> ); }; const C = () => { return <span>C</span>; }; const D = ({ text }) => { verySlowFunction(text); //Consider this function that takes a few seconds to compute. return <span>D</span>; };

In earlier versions of React 18, rendering component A necessitated the rendering of components B and C, and component D had to be rendered for B. No other JavaScript operations could be performed until A's return value, a React element, was returned. The component tree that A returned was rendered as a single block, and it was not possible to interrupt A's rendering once it had begun.

In Concurrent React, it is possible to interrupt the rendering process. Why is it necessary to interrupt rendering? You can think of the following:

  • When the current render in progress is no longer valid(stale)
    • For example, consider the situation in the code above where A's count prop is rendering with a value of 1. Before this render completes, count changes to 2, resulting in a render request for A on day 2. Consequently, the rendering result from day 1 becomes obsolete as it does not reflect the most recent value. By halting the rendering of day 1 and promptly beginning the rendering of day 2, you can present the user with the most recent value quickly.
  • When you have something you want to do before the ongoing render updates the screen you want to show.
    • When a user event occurs during rendering, it's possible to halt the ongoing render and give precedence to the event handler for an immediate response.

These are all cases where you're improving the UX by stopping rendering that component so it can do something else.

It is possible to render sections of the tree that are not visible on the display.

Concurrent React enables you to render components corresponding to specific screen areas separately, in addition to what is currently visible on the screen. This feature allows the existing render to remain visible and functional while independently rendering a future screen update in advance, swapping it in once rendering is complete. Concerns may arise about rendering more than necessary and reducing usability. Yet, thanks to the Concurrent Renderer, this separate rendering process can be halted at any moment, ensuring it does not disrupt user interactions. Ultimately, this capability can enhance the user experience.

So far, we've seen two features of the Concurrent Renderer, and now we'll see how they are utilized to “distinguish between non-rush renders”.

Distinguish between non-rush renders

Examples of rushed and non-rushed renders
Consider the experience of visiting your website for the first time via a browser. What's the most urgent thing you need to do when you're faced with a white, blank screen? The most critical action is to display your site's content promptly. If the screen remains white for an extended period, users may not wait and leave. Therefore, it's essential to prioritize rendering the initial content quickly.

On the left sidebar of your homepage, there is a set of menus for navigation. If a user intends to select Menu A but accidentally selects Menu B, and then attempts to select Menu A again while Menu B is still loading, the screen for Menu B will complete rendering before the screen for Menu A appears.

If we consider such user pressed menu B and then pressed menu A immediately. it is more urgent to render the screen for Menu A than it is to render the screen for Menu B, because the screen for B is now invalid.

As a React developer, you can inform React about non-rush renders by specifying which input changes that trigger a render are not pressing. The hooks that facilitate this for developers are useDeferredValue and useTransition. Both APIs, introduced in React 18, serve to defer non-rush rendering. We will examine these two hooks individually to grasp the distinctions between them.

useDeferredValue: Separate using a changed input value

It is used by components that use a specific value and want to handle changes to that specific value in a non-rush manner.

function App() { const [text, setText] = useState(''); return ( <> <input value={text} onChange={e => setText(} /> <SlowList text={text} /> </> ); }

The example code above is one of the useDeferredValue examples from

In this scenario, text serves as a state variable; thus, any changes to text will cause the App to re-render. The same text is also passed as a prop to both <input> and <SlowList>. Consequently, when text is modified, it initiates a re-render of App, and as part of this process, both input and SlowList will update to reflect the new text. However, if SlowList has a lengthy render time, the user's input will not appear until the rendering is fully completed, regardless of how fast the user types.

In this scenario, input represents the user's keyboard input, which is rendered quickly, while SlowList is a result of the user's input and is rendered more slowly than input. We can utilize useDeferredValue to generate a deferredText, which will be displayed during a non-rush render, with text initiating an rush render.

function App() { const [text, setText] = useState(''); const deferredText = useDeferredValue(text); return ( <> <input value={text} onChange={e => setText(} /> <SlowList text={deferredText} /> </> ); }

In this manner, when the text value changes, deferredText immediately retains the previous text value. Concurrently, deferredText undergoes a separate offscreen rendering with the new value. Only after this rendering is complete, both text and deferredText update to the latest value. The rendering of deferredText is not a rushed process and can be halted.

If there be successive non-rushed render requests for the same component, the initial non-rushed render will cease and commence rendering the most recent change, provided it has not concluded. For instance, with text, if a user inputs 'A' followed by 'B' in quick succession into an empty input field, the render for 'A' will initiate. If 'B' is entered before the rendering of 'A' concludes, the render for 'A' will stop, and the rendering for 'AB' will begin.

useTransition: Separate using a function that changes the input

Previously, we discussed how both useTransition and useDeferredValue help manage non-urgent renderings. Now, let's explore the distinctions between the two and delve into useTransition.


To clarify the distinction, the example of useDeferredValue has been altered to demonstrate useTransition. It's important to note that useTransition is not compatible with input, as it necessitates synchronous updates. For an explanation of this limitation, refer to the Troubleshooting section on the useDeferredValue page at

function App() { const [text, setText] = useState(""); const [isPending, startTransition] = useTransition(); return ( <> <button onClick={(e) => { startTransition(() => setText((v) => v + "a")); }} > a 키 </button> <SlowList text={text} /> </> ); }

Different things:

If useDeferredValue utilizes its value, text, to specify a non-urgent render, then it employs setText, which alters the value and triggers a render. In cases where text is not available, understanding setText alone is sufficient.

It is not possible to instantly display the change in text as it occurs within startTransition. A distinct render will initiate for the updated text, but as it is a separate process, the actual screen render won't recognize the updated value, though it will be aware that the separate render is underway through isPending. The useTransition hook delays the change in state, and the useDeferredValue hook postpones certain renderings based on the altered state.

Common things:

If multiple non-rush render requests for the same component are made through startTransition, the initial render—similar to useDeferredValue—will be canceled if it's still ongoing, and a new render with the latest value will commence.


React 18's Concurrent Renderer introduces the ability to "distinguish between non-rush renders." Utilizing useTransition and useDeferredValue, it allows for updates to complex structures without compromising usability. Prior to React 18, achieving such seamless usability demanded significant development work. Now, with the streamlined process of "distinguishing between non-rush renders," developers can offer users a smooth user experience.

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