Oct 20, 2023

[TalkIT] LLM Evolution and Generative AI Enterprise Use Issues and Alternatives



Oct 20, 2023

[TalkIT] LLM Evolution and Generative AI Enterprise Use Issues and Alternatives




Recommended for these people!

  • AI-related departments, companies interested in utilizing LLMs, companies considering AI adoption

Premium Webinar Key Points

  • 01 Trends in the development of LLM in the last 5 years
  • 02 Issues and alternatives for LLM commercialization in general companies
  • 03 Responding to accelerating AI changes: developers, operators, and executives
  • 04 New opportunities triggered by ChatGPT
  • 05 Identity of AI models that are good at language: Digital intelligence vs. brain

Since ChatGPT launched last November, LLM-related technologies have been announced almost daily. How is LLM evolving and how should companies prepare to utilize LLM, Jeongkyu Shin, CEO of Lablup, an AI operation platform called "Backend AI" that was highlighted at the NVIDIA GTC conference, explains in the simplest possible way.

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