
  • Backend.AI Installation Tutorial - 1

    By Jongmin Kim

    25 June 2024

  • Backend.AI Installation Tutorial - 2

    By Jongmin Kim

    25 June 2024

  • Backend.AI Tutorial_03

    By Lablup

    Backend.AI for Beginners: Getting Started with Backend.AI_03
    ○ Tour the Backend.AI cloud
      - Import & Run page 
        Import notebook panel
        Create notebook launch button panel
        Import GitHub repository contents panel
      - Data & Folders page 
        Explore folder controls
            - Create a folder
            - Viewing folder information
            - Utilizing folders
            - Sharing a folder
            - Renaming a folder
            - Deleting a folder
     Auto-Mount Folders tab
            - Creating an AutoMount Folder
            - Creating a session without mounting folders and viewing automount folders
      - Statistics page 
        Daily usage statistics
        Weekly usage statistics

    ✉️ : contact@lablup.com

    8 May 2021

  • Backend.AI Tutorial_04

    By Lablup

    Backend.AI_04 for beginners to get started
    Check the Backend.AI version
    Changing user information
    Touching user settings
      - General
        Desktop notifications
        Concise sidebar default usage options
        Language settings
        SSH key pair management (see link below)
        Option to check automatic updates
        Enable/disable automatic logout
        Set shell script preferences
      - Logs
        * View logs
        Refresh logs
        Delete logs
    FAQ & Troubleshooting
      - Running Jupyter notebook in a session ends with a kernel error.
      - I forgot my password.
      - I can't log in even though I entered the password correctly.
      - Other things to note

    ✉️ : contact@lablup.com

    3 May 2021

  • Backend.AI Tutorial_02

    By Lablup

    Backend.AI for Beginners: Getting Started with Backend.AI_02 
    ○ Tour the Backend.AI cloud
      -Summary page 
        Start panel 
        Resource Live View 
        System resources 
        Invitations folder
      -Session (Session) page 
        Session Status 
        Running sessions 
            - App Launcher 
            - Web Terminal 
        Ended sessions 
            - In-session 
            - Usage time

    ✉️ : contact@lablup.com

    18 March 2021

  • Backend.AI Tutorial_01

    By Lablup

    Backend.AI Tutorial_01
    -What is Backend.AI? 
    -Signing up for the Backend.AI cloud
    -Logging in to the Backend.AI cloud

    If you have any questions or problems signing up, please send it to the email address below, including your email name and email account when signing up, and we will reply after checking. 
    ✉️ : contact@lablup.com

    11 March 2021

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