Mar 1, 2022

MLOps Platforms, NVIDIA Tech Integrations to Scale for AI and ML Development

    Joongi Kim

    Co-Founder / CTO

Mar 1, 2022

MLOps Platforms, NVIDIA Tech Integrations to Scale for AI and ML Development

    Joongi Kim

    Co-Founder / CTO

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Lablup CTO Joongi Kim participated in the joint webinar below to introduce Backend.AI

MLOps is key to accelerating AI deployments. In this session, you’ll hear interviews with three ISVs and their customers on how, together, they've found success implementing MLOps solutions to accelerate their respective AI deployments. We'll focus on addressing some of the most common deployment challenges that enterprise customers face and how the MLOPs partner ecosystem can help in addressing those challenges.

You’ll hear from Run.AI and Wayve on how they trailblazed the scaling of AI/ML in autonomous vehicles. You’ll also hear how Weights & Biases works with John Deere/Blue River Technology to achieve advancement of AI in agriculture. Finally, you’ll hear how Backend.AI has supported LG Electronics in making smart factories more efficient.

The session will highlight specific use cases and best practices across the MLOPs life cycle. Come learn about NVIDIA MLOPs partners, and how they've deployed with enterprise customers. This session will feature real solution examples that you won't want to miss.

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