Mar 1, 2024

Personalized Generative AI: Operation and Fine-Tuning in Household Form Factors

    Jeongkyu Shin

    Founder / Researcher / CEO

Mar 1, 2024

Personalized Generative AI: Operation and Fine-Tuning in Household Form Factors

    Jeongkyu Shin

    Founder / Researcher / CEO

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The advent of personal computers has fundamentally transformed our lives over the past 40 years. Just to name a few, we witnessed the digitization of life by the internet and the smartphones. Now we're on the cusp of a new era, moving beyond the age of PCs to the age of personalized agents (PAs) or artificial intelligence. At the heart of this transformation is the rapid progress of large language models (LLMs) and multimodal AI. It's no longer about generating smart replies from somewhere in the cloud; with the advent of powerful consumer GPUs, it's now possible to run a personalized generative AI at home.

We'll introduce automated methods for running generative AI models on compact form factors like PCs or home servers, and for personalizing them via fine-tuning. We'll show how PA can be more closely integrated into our daily lives. Furthermore, we'll showcase the results obtained through these methods via a live demo, inviting you to contemplate the future of personalized AI with us.

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