Nov 29, 2023
[Track2-4] How I went from backend developer to teaching data and AI - Joeun Park (todaycode)

Joeun Park
Nov 29, 2023
[Track2-4] How I went from backend developer to teaching data and AI - Joeun Park (todaycode)

Joeun Park
It's been a few years since I started running the TodayCode YouTube channel, and I've been asked to create content and teach a lot of different things, and I've taught a lot of different people in a lot of different places. I've taught students, job seekers, people who want to use data in their jobs, people who want to switch jobs, and I've talked to people who are struggling because they're non-majors, because they're older, because they have to work for a living right now, and they want to get into development or data, and they're struggling.
About the presenter
- Todaycode YouTube Channel Operator
- Microsoft MVP (Python Developer Technologies)
- Director of FastCampus Kernel 360
- Inflearn Knowledge Sharer
- NAVER Connect Boost CourseData Science Production and CoachingStudy Live Coach
- Lectures and content production for Seoul National University Big Data Innovation Sharing University, Yonsei University, Hanshin University, Korea Meteorological Administration, Statistics Korea, Seoul Digital Foundation, etc.
- Author of Everyone's Korean Text Analysis with Python