Tag : PyCon Korea

  • PyCon KR 2023 Living symbiotically with Relay on Django React - Jeongseok Kang

    By Jeongseok Kang

    As React becomes the standard for frontends, how should Python backends keep up? Learn how to support the GraphQL and Relay specifications to collaborate with the frontend.

    Jungseok Kang

    Jungseok Kang is a software engineer at Rableup. He started programming with Python and has been using it with love ever since.

    30 November 2023

  • PyCon KR 2023 Async State Machine - Sanghun Lee

    By Sang Hun Lee

    This talk presents the challenges of tracking and state management of time-consuming tasks in distributed systems implemented in Python, and some abstract ideas for solving them.
    There will be code examples, but please keep in mind that this is a lighthearted talk with no detailed Python code implementations, only high-level abstractions.

    About Speaker
    3rd year Python developer. A junior with a lot of questions about what makes good software. TMI: Likes crossfit, meat, and bread.

    11 October 2023

  • PyCon KR 2023 Improving Debuggability of Complex Asyncio Applications - Joongi Kim

    By Joongi Kim

    The most important thing in debugging is observability and reproducibility. Despite the steady improvement of the asyncio standard library, it's still a challenge to see what's going on inside a real production-level, complex asyncio application. Resource issues caused by silently swallowed cancalleation signals or arbitrarily created callbacks and coroutines inside some external code are very hard to debug, especially when you have a mix of 3rd-party libraries and frameworks running over which you have no control. Moreover, these issues tend to only occur in production environments with real workloads, not in development environments.

    In this announcement, we present the aiomonitor-ng library, which is an enhancement to the previously released aiomonitor library. While the original library was based on a simple telnet server and REPL to help us see into the asyncio processes currently running, and can even help us in real production debugging, after using it for over a year, we realized what it lacked and took it upon ourselves to add a number of features, including the ability to directly create tasks and trace the cancel-terminate stack chain. I also added a terminal UI with autocomplete for ease of use.

    I've been able to leverage aiomonitor and these improvements to aiomonitor-ng to discover and analyze a number of production issues in practice, and I hope you can use this experience to create more reliable asyncio applications.

    About Speaker
    He is currently the CTO of Lablup ("Lablup"), where he is developing Backend.AI, and has experience analyzing and implementing backend systems of various sizes. Through his open source activities, he has contributed to projects such as Textcube, iPuTTY, CPython, DPDK, pyzmq, aiodocker, and aiohttp.

    11 October 2023

  • Distributed System Algorithm Implementer Binding Challenge using PyO3 - Gyubong Lee

    By Gyubong Lee

    This talk will cover the technical details of the Python bindings that I've spent the most time thinking about since joining Lablup, and that I'm still working on.

    More specifically, the talk will focus on the technical details of exposing traces and handling exceptions, as well as the challenges of abstracting reference types to overcome the memory management differences between Rust and Python.

    Due to the technical details, prior knowledge of Rust or PyO3 may be helpful to understand the presentation, but even if you don't, you can still get a general idea of what to expect.

    Gyubong Lee
    DevOps / Developer at Lablup. A developer who is interested in various open source activities. Currently, I am working on various issues related to distributed systems at my company. In this talk, I will cover the technical details of the Python binding, which I have spent most of my time thinking about and working on since joining Lablup.

    11 October 2023

  • Creating a Serverless Jupyter Notebook App for Python Education for Kids, Jeongkyu Shin - PyCon Korea 2022

    By Jeongkyu Shin

    Creating a Serverless Jupyter Notebook App for Python Education for Kids, Jeongkyu Shin - PyCon Korea 2022

    2 October 2022

  • SQLAlchemy with asyncio, From Core to ORM - PyCon Korea 2022

    By Sang Hun Lee

    SQLAlchemy with asyncio, From Core to ORM.

    Sang Hun Lee - PyCon Korea 2022

    2 October 2022

  • Migrating Large-scale Python Projects to a Monorepo Using Pantsbuild

    By Joongi Kim

    Migrating Large-scale Python Projects to a Monorepo Using Pantsbuild.

    Joongi Kim - Pycon Korea 2022

    2 October 2022

  • Practical usage of python ecosystem to build the AI model to fight

    By Sergey Leksikov

    Practical usage of python ecosystem to build the AI model to fight.

    Leksikov Sergey - PyCon Korea 2022

    2 October 2022

  • PyCon KR 2021 - The next generation SQLAlchemy with asyncio

    By Joongi Kim

    We introduced the release of SQLAlchemy v1.4, which provides basic support for asyncio-based Core API and ORM, and shared our engineering experiences with SQLAlchemy in the Backend.AI project. For reference, this was also presented at PyCon APAC 2021.

    3 October 2021

  • PyCon KR 2021 - Excel + Python + Deep Learning = !

    By Jeongkyu Shin

    We introduce the process of creating deep learning-based functions in Python and attaching them to Excel, allowing various deep learning-based analyses and model training to be run by connecting Excel with Backend.AI. Through the experience of creating Excel functions and several examples, we can create Excel functions that train deep learning models and perform inference using trained models.

    3 October 2021

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