Tag : Forklift

  • 23.03: May 2023 Update

    By Lablup

    A recap of the ongoing updates to Backend.AI 23.03 and 22.09. The development team is working hard to squeeze every last bit out.

    Here are the most important changes in this update:

    • Expanded hardware compatibility: Expanded hardware compatibility with support for ATOM accelerator idle checking and Dell EMC storage backends from Rebeillons.
    • High-speed upload enhancements: Introduced SFTP functionality to support high-speed uploads to storage.
    • Development Environment Enhancements: Enhanced the development environment by allowing sessions to be accessed in remote SSH mode from local Visual Studio Code.
    • Increased manageability: Improved the user interface for administrators to make it easier to set up AI accelerators and manage resource groups.

    Backend.AI Core & UI

    • Added support for idle state checking of ATOM accelerators.
    • Introduced SFTP functionality to support high-speed uploads directly to storage.
    • Added ability to force periodic password updates based on administrator settings.
    • Added an upload-only session (SYSTEM) tab.
    • Added Inference type to the allowed session types.
    • Added the ability to connect to a session in remote SSH mode from local Visual Studio Code.
    • Added support for uploading folders from Folder Explorer.
    • Improved the display of the amount of shared memory allocated when creating a session.
    • Added support for Dell EMC storage backend.
    • Improved the accuracy of container memory usage measurement.
    • Improved the ability to run multiple agents concurrently on a single compute node.
    • Added project/resource group name filter for administrators.
    • Added user interface for administrators to set various AI accelerators, including GPUs, in resource presets/policies.
    • Added a user interface for administrators to display the allocation and current usage of various accelerators, including GPUs.
    • Added a user interface for administrators to set the visibility of resource groups.
    • Provided a user interface for administrators to view the idle-checks value per session.
    • Added recursion option when uploading vfolders in the CLI, and improved relative path handling.
    • Added a recursive option in the CLI to terminate sessions with dependencies on specific session termination at once.
    • Added a new mock-accelerator plugin for developers, replacing the old cuda-mock plugin.
    • Added status and statistics checking API for internal monitoring of the storage proxy for developers.

    Backend.AI FastTrack

    • Improved searching for vfolders by name when adding pipeline modules.
    • Added an indication to easily recognize success/failure after pipeline execution.

    Backend.AI Forklift

    • Bug fixes and stability improvements.
    • Support for deleting build job history.
    • Supports pagination of the build task list.

    Backend.AI is constantly evolving to support a variety of environments in the ever-changing AI ecosystem, while providing a more robust and user-friendly experience. Stay tuned to see what's next!

    Make your AI accessible with Backend.AI!

    This post is automatically translated from Korean

    31 May 2023

  • 23.03: March 2023 Update

    By Lablup

    23.03: 2023년 3월 업데이트

    We're excited to announce version 23.03.0, the first major release of Backend.AI for 2023. Some features will continue to be rolled out in subsequent updates.

    Specifically in this update:

    • Support for the 'inference' service with a new computation session type.
    • Support for 'model' management with a new storage folder type.
    • Support for managing storage capacity on a per-user and per-project basis.
    • Significant improvements to FastTrack's pipeline versioning and UI.

    Backend.AI Core & UI (23.03)

    • Added model management and inference session management capabilities.
      • More advanced inferential endpoint management and network routing layers will be added in subsequent updates.
    • The codebase has been updated to be based on Python 3.11.
    • Introduced React components to the frontend and leveraged Relay to introduce a faster and more responsive UI.
    • Full support for cgroup v2 as an installation environment, starting with Ubuntu 22.04.
    • Updated the vfolder structure to v3 for storage capacity management on a per-user and per-project basis.
    • Kernel and sessions are now treated as separate database tables, and the state transition tracking process has been improved to work with less database load overall.
    • Improved the way the agent displays the progress of the image download process when running a session.
    • Improved the display of GPU usage per container in CUDA 11.7 and later environments.
    • Scheduling priority can be specified by user and project within each resource group.
    • Supports two-factor authentication (2FA) login based on one-time password (TOTP) to protect user accounts.
    • Support for users to register their own SSH keypair for session access.
    • Supports user interfaces for Graphcore IPUs and Rebellions ATOM devices.

    Backend.AI Forklift (23.03)

    • Added Dockerfile templates and advanced editing capabilities.
    • Support for creating container images for inference.
    • Extended image management capabilities to work with the Harbor registry.

    Backend.AI FastTrack (23.03)

    • Storage folder contents can be viewed directly from the FastTrack UI.
    • Improved session state synchronisation with Core to event-based.
    • You can set the maximum number of iterations for a pipeline schedule.
    • If a task fails to execute, the pipeline job is automatically cancelled instead of waiting.
    • Added pipeline versioning. You can track the shape history of your pipeline, and you can recall the contents at a specific point in time to continue working on it.
    • You can modify pipelines in YAML format directly through the code editor.

    개발 및 연구 프레임워크 지원

    • Supports TensorFlow 2.12, PyTorch 1.13
    • Support for NGC (NVIDIA GPU Cloud) TensorFlow 22.12 (tf2), NGC PyTorch 22.12, NGC Triton 22.08
    • Added python-ff:23.01 image, which provides the same libraries and packages as Google Colab

    In addition to what we've listed above, we've included many bug fixes and internal improvements.
    Stay tuned for more to come!

    This post is automatically translated from Korean

    31 March 2023

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