DGX-Ready Software

NVIDIA DGX™-Ready Software


NVIDIA DGX servers and workstations use GPGPU to accelerate deep learning applications. They have a rackmount chassis with high-performance x86 server CPUs, except for DGX A100 and DGX Station A100, which use AMD EPYC CPUs. The main component is a set of 4 to 16 NVIDIA Tesla GPU modules on an independent system board, integrated using a version of the SXM socket. DGX systems have powerful cooling systems to cool thousands of watts of thermal output.​

Backend.AI is validated as ​ the first NVIDIA DGX™-Ready Software in Asia Pacific region.​

Backend.AI on DGX-family​

Complements to NVIDIA Container Runtime​

  • GPU sharing for multi-user support
  • Features for machine learning pipeline
  • Scheduling with CPU/GPU topology​​

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