
Backend.AI Platform Overview​

All-in-one Enterprise Operating Platform

for AI Development and Services​

  • Provide top-class computing performance with latest hardware acceleration
  • Maximize utilization of computing resources by concurrent multi-tenancy
  • Hide the underlying hardware & software complexity from AI devs and data scientists
  • Automate resource management & scaling
  • Provide enterprise-grade stability with professional support
  • Cooperate with your favorite tools and frameworks​

Just a keystroke away from building your models

A full-fledged command-line interface is a pocket tool for your ML workflow. Script your pipeline and connect with standard UNIX tools. Fully-documented SDK is also provided.​

Just one click away to manage your models

Run your deep learning cluster using the GUI and apps. Backend.AI comes with shiny graphic user interface available as both web service or desktop app. Build your models on any modern web browsers. Train and deploy deep learning models on your tablet.​

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Headquarter & HPC Lab

KR Office: 8F, 577, Seolleung-ro, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea US Office: 3003 N First st, Suite 221, San Jose, CA 95134

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